【学术报告】法国巴黎综合理工大学Aurelien Houard研究员专题报告



题目:Some recent results on femtosecond laser filaments and applications at LOA

报告人:Aurelien Houard研究员, 法国巴黎综合理工大学(Ecole Polytechnique)



联系人:刘一 教授


Laser filamentation is observed during propagation of ultrashort laser pulses, when their peak power exceeds a few Gigawatts in air or a few MW in water. It results in the self-contraction of the beam, maintaining a very high intensity in a thin channel over several Rayleigh lengths. Femtosecond filaments has proved to be a powerful tool to trigger and guide electric discharges in atmospheric air or to generate broadband acoustics waves in water. These two spectacular effects are related to the fast heating of the medium produced though ionization inside the laser filament.

In the frame of two research projects, we have studied the influence of the laser pulse duration and repetition rate on the hydrodynamic evolution of the filament. The first project aims at developing a remote acoustic source generated by laser for underwater sonar applications. The second project, called “Laser Lightning Rod” is a European collaboration, where the goal is to demonstrate the guiding or natural lightning with filament for lightning protection application.




Dr. Aurélien HOUARD is a research scientist at the Laboratory of Applied Optics (LOA) in France. His research activities focus on the study of femtosecond laser filamentation and the development of applications based on filamentation such as the remote generation of THz and UV lasing radiation in atmosphere, aerodynamic control and acoustic wave generation or triggering of electric discharges and lightning with laser.

Aurelien Houard obtained a Ph.D. degree from Ecole Polytechnique in 2008. He was then hired as a research scientist at LOA. In 2010 he became the leader of Laser Matter Interaction group and obtained in 2015 his « These d’habilitation à Diriger les recherches » at Université Paris VI, second thesis opening up the possibility to supervise PhD students in France. He is the author or co-author of 80 articles in international peer-reviewed journals (including 1 Science Advances, 13 Physical Review Letters), 3 book chapters and 1 patent.

He is currently the coordinator of an important European project aiming at developing the first Laser Lightning Rod in collaboration with University of Geneva, EPFL, Trumpf Scientific laser and Airbus Company.

